There is nothing like a flood to get your creative juices going! Even if it is a little flood like yesterday's, and you know that you CAN get out, your mind starts doing strange things. Apathy somehow turns to action. Maybe it is survival mode, though I can't for the life of me figure out how making cake toppers (which I just completed) will help me survive flood waters!
But first things first...I have been absent for a while...Christmas was way busy, and then my health took a battering. It is continuing to be awful...but I still draw breath, she said crossing herself and muttering an imaginary rosary.
Anyhoo, yesterday, knowing that a flood was imminent, I prioritised and decided to do the most rational action, I went into into town to pick up some choc bits, because it is always a tradition in our house to make chocolate chip pancakes when it floods. Returning home and totally exhausted by my little soiree, I slumped on the couch and instantly fell asleep. At this time the water level on our dam was rising, but nothing to cause any concern.
I was rudely awaken about an hour and a half later from my coma by the phone ringing. I groggily wiped the dribble from the side on my mouth. (When had I begun to leak from the mouth when I slept?) It was the local council. I was advised that we were on amber alert, Rocky Creek Dam was over a metre on the spillway! I looked out the window and freaked! This was the fastest rising flood we had ever had! It looked like we were on an island, and were surrounded on three sides by water!(How many exclamations can I use?)
'Tis true, I did become a trifle concerned. My husband wasn't home, the waters were rising, and was that dribble running down my back or cold sweat?
Cut to the chase, my husband arrived home, got the laser out and eased my fears. The waters would have to rise another metre before it came into the house, and thankfully it stopped rising just before dark. By morning it had completely abated...but OK it was a nice bit of drama to jolt me from my creative slump...segue to cake toppers.
This afternoon I got an enquiry about one my hessian "Engaged" banners. The prospective buyer wondered if I could do a cake topper to match the banner. As Barney Stinson would say, "Challenge accepted!"
Flood-bored, I got to work and meticulously stencilled this linen/cotton...on both sides. I am not sure if I could have found a quicker way to do this...but it was satisfying to do SOMETHING! It reminded me of the times my sister and I would make furniture and little household knick-knacks for our Barbie's.