Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Quack quack:things that make me happy

I love living in the country and experiencing the wildlife. Currently we have a family of  wild ducks residing on our dam. There is mum and dad and seven little ones. What makes this so special is that usually only one or two little ones survive the clutches of cats and foxes, but this family must have wonderful parents. Only two of the original nine have been lost.

They come right up to the house...and it warms the cockles of my heart. We also have a resident sea eagle who sits in the old emergent gum by the dam. I thought he might go for the ducklings, but he just gazes on the family in an arrogant way, (as if to say, "you ain't good eatin'"), then swoops down to the water and scoops out an eel.! I could watch them all day.

Apologies for the bad photo, this camera I currently have is on its last legs. A new whiz bang DSLR has been ordered over the net and is currently winging its way to my itchy hands. Don't you love shopphing online? Presents arrive regularly in the letterbox. It is like Christmas every day! (Yes, it isn't a typo, every day...I have been using the old credit  card a bit too often, but I am saving money and the environment by  using less petrol)

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