Friday, February 18, 2011

My creative space: LOVE HOME

I am a homebody, my husband is a homebody, my daughter is a homebody...and so is my son, so what better way to express it than with some text on the wall...spelling it out!

I make two versions of these LOVE and HOME banners. These, French Provincial inspired banners are made from vintage cotton/linen in a mushroom colour. (I know that it is vintage, because I remember when I bought it, in 1986, and it was vintage then!)

I also do them in a mix of colourful vintage floral fabrics called, called Nana's Garden.

My creative space today is taking the demned photos and loading them up to my Etsy store, as well as making a run of them ready for the Love Vintage Fair next week. These are usually just sold to my stockists, but I have decided that this year I will put a little more effort into different markets...(such as markets, fairs and online selling) becuase what have I got to lose?

Pop over to Kirsty's for more creatives. Eek! I just checked, I will be tardy.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Be prepared

This is a late Flea Market Find today as I had to go and pick up said 'find' from the Salvos, in the back of my (t)rusty trailer.

Ye gods! What a stressful trip! This seat is very heavy, and although I was so sure that I had secured it effectively, it moved and jumped all over the place on our country roads. It will eventually sit in a beautiful formal herb garden that exists in my mind only...and more than likely will continue to exist there for a few years...but one must be prepared.

It will look something between this....

and this...

Speaking of prepared, over the weekend my husband and I discussed what we should do if the trailer, err, loses her bum. The procedure is to drive to a quite street, one without Nana curtains in it, (we don't want anyone peering out and dobbing us in) park it on the side of the road, take the licence plates off...and get the hell out of there. The only problem in this plan is that I don't have a screwdriver on hand, so Sparky is sourcing one for the glove box. (This is a real plan, not make believe or supposition)

I also got a new Kathie Winkle plate in a design I haven't seen before called Corfu. (top) And this Romany design is currently my favourite. I got a couple of them from a weird mudbrick place in Marrickville when I went down to see Oprah.

I am playing with Sophie and Apron Thrift Girl. Pop over for more finds.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cherry Ripe

Maya at Plum Vintage, Kyogle had some vintage barkcloth napkins that she thought would look nice made into bunting, so, as  I am having  a very average day, I thought I would pick up my spirits by making a gift.

As the napkins were a square design, I found it hard to maximise the cherry pattern, so instead of bagging them out, I cut the edges with shears and backed with calico. Looks nice enough...still feel pretty average.

I am playing with Kirsty today.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Coincidence of the Queen's Hanky:A Psychic Mystery

I know I am a dag, and this posting proves it! In my quest for more hankies for my Hearts and Flowers Garlands I have found a little beauty.

This is from the Queen's visit of Australia, 1954. That makes it at least 56 years old. But here is the spooky bit, and I am getting goosebumps as I write...SHE VISITED LISMORE 9 FEBRUARY, 1954. (That is today's date incase you didn't realise) I found this hanky yesterday, and decided to blog about it today, and after looking for some pictures of the vistit, just discovered the date of the visit.

What does this mean? Coincidence? I think not! It means something...I just have to find out what. Wait...there is more. Just by coincidence my mother's birthday is today (she died a couple of years ago) ...and just by coincidence her mother's name was Queenie. Hmph! Everyone putting two and two together? Even Harry Houdini would be impressed with this little 'event.' I am still not sure what it means...but it definitely means something!

picture from here

 Here in Lismore she just missed some massive flooding and stayed as the Gollan Hotel. 5,000 people waited in the street below to catch a glimpse of her. Very provincial.

Needless to say, this hanky won't be cut up...segue...unlike the hankies on the garlands that I have just listed in my Etsy Shop. Check them out. I am slowly getting the photography there, but as each 'Hearts and Flowers Garland' is different, I might have to individually photograph each one. Nevermind, life goes on.

Now I will continue mulling over the "Coincidence of the Queen's Hanky."

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tin cans and masterpieces

Finally, the weather has cooled down and I can sit down and do some work! Yes, I am precious. I am a princess. I have a pool. I have a great solar passive house (which has one room air-conditioned for those days that the house gets too heated), and I haven't suffered flood, cyclone or bushfire in the last few weeks...yet I CAN'T STAND THE HEAT. I whinge, I whine, I suffer, and everyone around me knows it, because I vocalise every five minutes or so. I am fully aware that I am blessed, and that I am lucky, but the heat is my Waterloo.

Anyhoo, enough of me. What stuff have I collected last week...hmm? Nothing much, as it was sooo hot, I couldn't move myself from house to car, even though the car is air conditioned and I had a full tank...I should have driven all day, just like Kramer! There were a few bits and bobs.

I have needed a good watering can to replace the five or so cheap Bunnings kind that have fallen to bits in the sunlight, so I lept on this old tin receptacle at a recent auction. It came with the matching bucket which is perfect for our homegrown potatoes.

In the background is an original watercolour that I picked up at the Tip Shop. I am sure it is worth at least $200,000, maybe more...and will certainly make my fortune...if only I could read the signature. Maybe Southerby's can take it off my hands and I will be set up for life!

Lastly these minature indoor bowls are noice. They just sit there to be looked at, but that is OK...they are a talking point. They are sitting with my collection of wooden boxes. I like knowing there are spaces to put stuff into, though most of them remain empty. (That sounds very Freaudian!)

Pop over to Sophies and Apron Thrift Girl for more finds.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bower Bird Collages:my creative space

I have been collaging for a while now...I feel the need to use the copious amount of books that I have been collecting. These  new works are themed "Love" and will be at the Con Artists Handmade Market this Saturday.

Made of recycled wood (very old Norco pine that is an inch thick and without any knots...beautiful) they are solid enough to be placed on a surface or hung on a wall.

I am a bower bird, and in addition to all these books I keep all the scraps of  books I cut up for garlands and banners. I have to re-use it some-how...god forbid I actually throw anything away!
Pop over to Kootoyoo  to see how others create from their collections.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hanky savant needed

I am busy making more Hearts and Flowers Garlands today for some Valentine Day orders. I had run out of hankies so did an Op Shop run yesterday, and got a surprisingly good haul of goodies.

Amongst them were these vintage hankies that I will not cut up. The top hanky, and the best, has Royal Easter Show Sydney, printed in the corner. Great colours. I lurve the dusty mauve witht the pale lemon and bright red. I think it would be late 40's - early fifties. If anyone is a hanky savant, please share your wisdom.

I  have also taken some new pics of the garlands as I am restocking my Etsy and Made-it shops within the next week or so and my wholesale people need some visuals. Aaargh! It is stinking hot here and I DO NOT have a talent for photography, especially garlands!  I prefer the pics that look a bit blurred and vintagey...but I know that Etsy doesn't. They must be clear and crisp. 

I need to get the message to the prospective customer that they come beautifully packaged, but it just looks crap.

As the Triffids so succinctly said:

There's dirty dishes, piled high up in the sink,
It's too hot too move
And it's too hot to think...

I think I will give it up for another day.


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