Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tassie Trip: Back in Hobart

Today we drove from Bicheno to Hobart. It was such a relief to get to a city, I tell you now baby! We have realised that as we live in the country, in one of the most beautiful parts of the world, that holidays will not be in the country, but in cities. We miss the culture and the energy of inner cities. On reflection, we should have split up the holiday between Hobart and Launceston. That way we wouldn't be unpacking every day, and we could do nice little day trips from our base, without getting exhausted. I barely saw any of the culture of Tassie, we were driving too much!

We missed the Salamander Markets (edit:My apologies Salamanca...I have a bad head cold and can't think) as we arrived on a Sunday, however the Salamanca Precinct was packed. There was a great energy, great shops, great art, great food...and Battery Park the next suburb was gorgeous! Full of lovely Georgian houses with lovely little cottage gardens.

My favourite shop was closed, but that didn't stop me "stalker like" pressing myself up against the window and taking many, many, many pics. It is called The Maker and Leonie Struthers who owns this shop, has another one called Love and Clutter.

I have one of these cardboard dressmaking dummies, I call them cardboard ladies that I still haven't constructed. I might wait 'til I have my own shop so it can look this fabulous. (I think I will be waiting 'til the cows come home!)


  1. get that cardboard lady out and construct her today, or post her to ME, I'll love and cherish her♥
    I agree with you about a 'driving'holiday. We did too much driving around Tassie too. I prefer to pick a spot and spend 4-5 days radiating out into the surrounding areas without the rush of 'get to the next motel'.

  2. just clicked link to check out your cardboard lady, she is gorgeous. You have got to put her together Nick, you can't leave her languishing in that box...she's been there for far too long already!

  3. I live in Battery Point and know Leonie (had coffee with her the other day)...her stores are divine. Yep, I agree, if you are coming to Tassie stay in Hobart and Launceston (very different cites) and do day trips. Almost everything worth seeing is within two hours drive of these cities (except the gorgeous East Coast). A pity you didn't drive down the Midlands Highway. There are some good shops and antique stores along the way, especially Oatlands.

  4. I know! Isn't Hobart simply gorgeous? My father-in-law lives there. The beautiful old houses, the mountain - just lovely.

  5. I agree ...every one thinks they can drive around tassie in a weekend. Best to stay and explore as every spot in tassie has different "culture"and weather than the next
    *Whisper* Its Salamanca....

  6. Hey there, thanks for subscribing to my blog! :)
    Yours is wonderfully interesting, I'll come back and visit very soon!!

    Have a great day!
    Lucky xo



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